Alhamdulillah (All Praise be to Allah), it was great to see Moeen Ali captaining England for the very first time in the recent 3rd T20I cricket match against Australia.
Despite worsening Islamophobia, the paradoxical growth, progression and establishment of Islam and Muslims in the British Isles continues unabated. The Lewisham Islamic Centre (LIC) continues to experience unprecedented levels of genuine attention and interest in Islam from peoples of diverse backgrounds, most notably the youth. Many go on to become Muslims, Alhamdulillah; many more return with searching questions as their research into the religion deepens.
Witnessing Moeen Ali, unmistakably a Muslim proudly representing his faith and country, we are reminded of the perennial promise that is Great Britain with its glowing and enriching diversity. Yet, there is much work to be done, but the picture is unequivocal: Islam is here to stay InshaAllah (God Willing). We wish Ali’s lions all the best.