Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun
[To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return]
Our Founder and Former Trustee Dr Sabiha Saleem returned to Allah Almighty on Tuesday the 3rd of October 2023.
Dr Saleem was instrumental in founding & setting-up Lewisham & Kent Islamic Centre as it was serving the needs of Muslims in Lewisham & Kent. As Mosques started to be established in Kent the focus became Lewisham and thus, the current name, Lewisham Islamic Centre (LIC).
Dr Saleem was an inspirational leader, teacher, mother, wife, grandmother and along with Dr Hafiz Ijaz Mian (former Imam at LIC) were instrumental in establishing the Foundations of the Muslim Community in Lewisham & South London.
Dr Saleem’s Janazah will be on Wednesday the 4th of October 2023 after Dhur Salah (1.30pm) and the Burial will be at Eternal Gardens Cemetery in Sidcup.
Our condolences to her family. We beseech Allah (SWT) Almighty to forgive Dr Saleem her sins, bless her with mercy and grant her Jannah al Firdaws, Ameen.