Islamic Reflections: the “grooming gangs” of the UK

It is incontrovertible that the pursuit and delivery of justice in any given criminal scenario must be objective and impartial, free from the influence and prejudices of ignoramuses – elected or otherwise – with substantial social media followings or control of news agencies that shamelessly manipulate narratives of criminal motivation, particularly when tenuous associations with Islam are involved.

Like any crime, its perpetrators must be prosecuted and held legally accountable. This becomes even more urgent when the victims are vulnerable, impressionable children who are routinely groomed for sexual abuse and exploitation by depraved men. Just as with our condemnation of “Muslim” involvement in the sexual abuse of Madame Gisèle Pelicot in France, we are equally horrified by “Muslim” involvement in the horrific sexual abuse of children by gangs in the UK. The actions of these men can never be defended and they should be seen as utterly despicable and shunned by the Muslim community.

However, it is clear that the Muslim ancestry of some of these men has been maliciously amplified and weaponised to falsely label them as “Muslim grooming gangs” in an attempt to associate criminal behaviour with Islam. The idea of “Muslim grooming gangs” is as contradictory and absurd as accusing a doctor of spreading disease, given that Islam fundamentally opposes all forms of exploitation and abuse, particularly of children and orphans. A cursory investigation of the Qur’an and Islam’s moral creed reveals strict guidelines governing inter-gender relationships, including the prohibition of adultery, any intimacy outside of marriage, seclusion with non-mahram (non-closely related) women, and the association with or consumption of intoxicants of any kind.

Thus, proponents of this false dichotomy between Islam and moral conduct conveniently ignore the religion’s explicit condemnation of immoral and amoral actions, preferring instead to prey on their followers’ ignorance of Islamic teachings to further propagate their islamophobic and divisive worldview toward Muslims. It is unsurprising, then, to see the same scandal-mongers involved in fomenting last summer’s far-right hate riots at play once again. 

The Lewisham Islamic Centre is incredibly proud of the longstanding interfaith and community cohesion work established in the borough and the mutual respect and understanding it has engendered in a united Lewisham, where criminality is recognised for what it is: a scourge blind to colour, race, creed, and religion

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Aware.” (Qur’an, Ch 49, V 13)

Posted in News, Press Releases.