Public statements from Lewisham
Islamic Centre.
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Press Releases
Public statements from Lewisham Islamic Center

Statement of Commemoration – Srebrenica Memorial Day 2021
This year marks the 26th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, in which over 8,000 Bosnian […]

Lewisham Islamic Centre Creates a New Policy Entitled ‘Quds’
The Lewisham Islamic Centre (LIC) proactively looks at ways it can operate better services and […]

LIC requests Muslim Leaders and Organisations to stand up tall and speak out against Injustice!
The brutal assault on Palestinians is clear for all of us to see. This is too significant a matter to remain silent over. This is an Islamic issue. The defense of Muslims begins with us. If non-Muslim celebrities can speak out, for which they deserve every credit and admiration, then, what is stopping us?. If they can, we must!

LIC Stands in Solidarity With Masjid Al Aqsa
With predictable timing, the Zionist Israeli State unveils its latest violent aggression against the Muslim Palestinians even […]

27th Night Appeal
Our Legacy, Laying the Foundation Join us live on the 27th Night of Ramadan Appeal […]

LIC receives Mayor of Lewisham Humanitarian Award for 2020
Lewisham Council and the Mayor of Lewisham have recognised the work of LIC during these bleak times by according the Centre the Mayor’s award for 2020 Valuable Contribution within the borough’s response to COVID19. This really means a great deal to us because it was voted by the people of Lewisham and we are humbled by the fact that they nominated LIC as having gone above and beyond in its community response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

An open letter to Muslim countries: A Boycott of The Beijing Winter Olympic Games 2022
The opression of the Uygur Muslims of China is now an indubitable truth.

LIC meets the Labour Party to discuss Islamophobia
As many are aware, after the Labour Muslim Network (LMN) presented its findings in a report in November 2020 […]